Citizenship Program

UCFS’ Citizenship and Integration Program assists hundreds of refugees and asylees in becoming new U.S. citizens every year.

Elderly Refugee Program

The Elderly Refugee Program aims to reduce social isolation, increase integration and community connections, and promote overall health for senior refugees.

Food Pantry

The UCFS Food Pantry is open to all who need food assistance. Food Pantry clients are provided with a healthy balance of fresh produce, dairy products, lean meats, non-perishables, and cultural staples.

Project Achievment

Project Achievement is a tutoring program that provides homework help, reading assistance, and engaging STEAM activities to immigrant and refugee children from low-income households.

The Sharehouse Basic Needs Center

UCFS’ Sharehouse Basic Needs Center provides essential items to families and individuals in need at no cost to them.

THRIVE Program

UCFS’ THRIVE program is dedicated to creating inclusive spaces for people with disabilities and their families throuh community events.

Maternal Health Education

The Maternal Health Education Program provides linguistically accessible and culturally competent resources to pregnant and new moms, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to improve their health and the health of their families.

Project Play On!

Project Play On! removes barriers to kids’ participation in sports, creating opportunities for them to develop leadership skills and increase physical activity.

Chaldean Angels of Charity

Chaldean Angels of Charity is a youth led, youth-initiated volunteer program that mobilizes young women in the community and in UCFS’ mission to serve others.

Christmas Family Program

The Christmas Family Program has been spreading Christmas joy to families in need across Metro Detroit since 1999.

Supportive Services

UCFS provides numerous in-house support services and case management creating a pathway to success and self-sufficiency.

Women’s Business Institute

WBI-USA supports the development of women at all levels of entrepreneurship and professionalism through networking and mentorship.

Employment Services

UCFS provides comprehensive employment services by supporting clients with resume preparation, job search, job placement, and recredentialing assistance.

Pathways to Prosperity

Pathways to Prosperity Program (PPP) was launched in 2023 to support refugees in building assets and reaching their financial goals. 

Nutrition Education

UCFS’ provides nutrition education programming to people of all ages through engaging cooking classes.

Citizenship Program

UCFS-CALC's Citizenship and Integration Program assists hundreds of refugees and asylees in becoming new U.S. citizens every year. The agency offers a variety of services such as translation and interpretation, employment services, financial and benefits assistance, food provision, and basic needs items. To assist clients with obtaining citizenship, UCFS offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) courses, citizenship instruction, mock interview practice and preparation, and legal assistance in applying for naturalization. The combination of these services chart the roadmap to integration and open many more doors to our clients on their path to self-sufficiency. Are you a refugee or asylee looking for assistance with citizenship and integration? Please call (248) 528-0130 to schedule an appointment with a Case Manager.

Elderly Refugee Program

The Elderly Refugee Program is a collaborative effort between UCFS, the Area Agency on Aging 1B, and the Michigan Office of Refugee Services to combat social isolation, increase integration and community connections, and promote overall health and wellness for refugees age 60 years and older. UCFS hosts monthly recreational and educational programs at our agency and local senior facilities and also puts elderly refugees on the path to U.S. Citizenship. The program provides seniors with resources, assists with benefits application, helps service providers enhance their skills in working with refugees, and much more.

Elderly Refugee, Refugee Support, Elderly Refugee Program Michigan, UCFS Elderly Refugee Program, Area Agency on Aging 1B Elderly Refugee Program, Michigan Office of Refugee Services elderly refugees, Refugee services for seniors in Michigan, Elderly refugee integration programs, Senior Refugee Community Programs Michigan, UCFS refugee citizenship program, Elderly refugee benefits Assistance Michigan, Refugee Senior Wellness Programs in Michigan, Refugee service, Senior refugee, Senior support service

Food Pantry

The UCFS Food Pantry is open to all who need food assistance. The pantry is stocked with food from a variety of sources, including Gleaners Community Food Bank, Forgotten Harvest, donations from local retailers, and items from food drives hosted by individuals and community groups. Clients receive a healthy balance of fresh produce, dairy products, lean meats, whole grains, non-perishables, and cultural staples. In 2024 alone, the food pantry distributed 560,410 pounds of food to 1,316 families! In addition to fighting food insecurity, the food pantry is a gateway to other resources for clients and further integration. Each food box contains a recipe card to assist food pantry clients in making the most of the food they receive and learning to incorporate new foods that are more affordable and easily accessible in the U.S.

Project Achievment

Project Achievement is UCFS' tutoring program for children from ALICE and low-income households. Each week, students receive help with homework and work with a Reading Specialist to improve their reading skills, especially since remote learning was implemented in the wake of the pandemic. Once homework and reading has been completed, students participate in a hands-on STEAM activity. Engaging children with educational opportunities that are fun and interactive not only enriches their academic experiences but also improves social skills and confidence.

The Sharehouse Basic Needs Center

UCFS' Sharehouse Basic Needs Center collects and distributes new and gently-used items to families and individuals in need such as furniture, kitchenware, clothing, personal care items, cleaning supplies, car seats, diapers, other baby essentials, and much more. These items are purchased from our Sharehouse Wishlist by generous donors, collected in basic needs drives hosted by individuals and community organizations, donated by supporters, and purchased with program funding. In 2024, UCFS distributed 71,724 items. Furniture is delivered to alleviate the barrier or transportation, and this is all provided at no cost to the client.


UCFS' THRIVE program provides social and emotional support to people with cognitive, developmental, and physical disabilities and their families. THRIVE programming serves as a fun-filled, welcoming space for these individuals and their families. Our events create the opportunity for families with similar experiences to meet and build a support system with one another. UCFS does this through different sensory activities and events such as our Trunk or Treat celebration, Easter Party, and more.

Maternal Health Education

UCFS' Maternal Health Education Program provides linguistically accessible and culturally competent information and resources to prospective, soon-to-be, and new mothers. Programming includes interactive educational workshops on topics such as pre- and post-partum health and nutrition, labor and delivery prep and planning, breastfeeding and lactation, sleep training, early childhood development and milestones, and even CPR and Lamaze classes. The mothers are also supported with diapers, wipes, and formula throughout the program, which ends with a group baby shower with games, refreshments, raffle prizes, and gifts like car seats, strollers, and other baby essentials.

Project Play On!

Project Play On! increases participation in organized sports and free-play, particularly for refugee and immigrant children. UCFS' Project Play On! participants show an improvement in leadership, social, and problem-solving skills as well as an increase in physical activity and academic achievement. UCFS' youth development programs seek to support the development of the whole child and assist them in developing a healthy lifestyle early on.

Christmas Family Program

The Christmas Family Program is delivered in an "adopt-a-family" format where families in need can create a wishlist and UCFS donors choose a wishlist to fulfill. In December, families come to UCFS' offices for photos with Santa, holiday refreshments, and crafts and then pick up their gifts to take home and enjoy in a family setting on Christmas Day.

Supportive Services

Supportive Services

UCFS provides a wide variety of supportive services and case management to guide and empower clients on their path to self sufficiency. Services include but are not limited to benefits application assistance, healthcare navigation, transportation, and financial assistance. These services aim to support clients in meeting their needs as they work toward achieving their goals and self-sufficiency with dignity and hope.

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Women's Business Institute

WBI-USA empowers women of all ages in all stages of their career by providing mentor and mentee matching support, networking opportunities, and informational workshops and events.

Employment Services

UCFS provides comprehensive employment services by supporting clients with resume preparation, job search, job placement, and recredentialing assistance. UCFS also works to alleviate barriers to getting and keeping gainful employment such as childcare, auto repairs, basic needs assistance, housing stability assistance, and support for pursuing licenses and certifications. UCFS also provides career sampling and exploration opportunities. This allows our clients to get hands-on experience in a variety of fields to make informed decisions on the career that would be the best fit for them prior to investing time, money, and energy into pursuing a specific field.

Pathways to Prosperity

Pathways to Prosperity Program (PPP) was launched in 2023 to support refugees in building assets and reaching their financial goals. PPP assists clients with financial literacy, employment services, and healthy money habits. UCFS then matches the clients savings up to a specified amount to invest in a home, a vehicle, a micro business, or education for themselves or their children.

Nutrition Education

Nutrition Education

UCFS' provides nutrition education programming to people of all ages. Cooking with CALC engages individuals and families with cooking lessons to teach healthy recipes, healthy substitutions to ingredients for traditional ethnic staple meals, tips on how to get the most out of your groceries by planning ahead and reading unit pricing, how to read a nutrition label, and so much more. Fork and the Road engages seniors with modified exercises and simple recipes to encourage decreased sugar and salt intake and higher fiber and calcium intake. These programs assist clients in gradually adjusting their diet to incorporate more affordable and readily accessible foods in the U.S. to further integration and make small, sustainable changes to live a healthier lifestyle.